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This page is the index to the gkceoscience Youtube channel. Use the arrow keys to scroll through the videos, or click an index item to view it directly on YouTube.
Dr. C's Excellent Science Adventures
Dr. C's Excellent Science Adventures offer his personal take on places of scientific interest from around the world, with special emphasis on Northern Arizona.

Dr. C's Excellent Science Adventures
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Kilauea as a Visual Analog for Ancient Volcanic Fissure Eruptions in Northern Arizona
The Volcanoes of Rapa Nui (Easter Island): A Brief Introduction
Arizona's Ancient Super Volcano
Recoating the Mirror, Discovery Channel Telescope, July 2016
Grand Falls, Arizona - Storm Response October 2015
Holuhraun Eruption from the Bardarbunga Central Volcano, Iceland, September 2014
Grand Falls, Arizona, Geology, Part II: The Little Colorado River
Waterfalls of Iceland
Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historic Park, Nebraska
Grand Falls, Arizona, Geology Part I
Video clips of plants and animals from Northern Arizona's forest life zones. Originally posted to support an app for the Museum of Northern Arizona's courtyard renovation which was not published, we may eventually pull these clips into a stand alone YouTube video about the forest life zones.
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A new product category, these videos are meant to serve as hiking guides that can be downloaded onto your phone (rather than being stuck installing yet another app).

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Forest Life Zones
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YouTube videos demonstrating scientific principles.

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Dr. C's Excellnt Sciece Adventures
Forest Life Zones
Hiking Guides
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